Can I Use Styrofoam For Swimming Pool Base Material

Sep 03, 2019 hi ive bought a 15 foot above ground pool and the best spot for it happens to be on gravel. The ground is also at a v slight incline. Im not sure what to put under the pool in order to level it and obviously its not a good idea to put it directly on top of gravel. The most common materials used for a swimming pool cove are: foam forms; sifted earth; sand. We do not recommend using sand as it does not.
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With the widespread availability of plastic pool forms and rubber liners, creating a pool for your garden or yard has never been easier. Though concrete may last longer, and clay bottoms have the advantage of looking and interacting most naturally with the surrounding environment, they are expensive and sometimes difficult to build correctly. Newer materials make DIY pool projects a breeze, but the lightweight materials puncture easily and need padding to protect their relatively fragile surfaces from rocks and other sharp objects.
Nature Made
Nature has her own way of protecting delicate surfaces by providing many soft, pliable or otherwise malleable materials. Among these, clay and sand are standouts for pool padding. In addition to providing the necessary protection for your pool's fragile under-surface, both materials are easily shaped -- making them ideal for the pre-formed plastic pool inserts that must conform exactly to the underlying layer for stability.
On the Cheap
If cutting costs without cutting corners is on your agenda, do yourself and the planet a favor by padding your pool with newspapers and cardboard. Both materials are readily available -- and free for the asking -- from recycling centers, store refuse containers or your own recycling bins. Because they originate with trees, these natural cellulose-based products eventually break down and return to the earth as soft compost, so even when they can no longer be identified as discarded paper, they will do an excellent job of protecting your pool. Use multiple, thick overlapping layers, dampened a bit to better shape them to conform to the pool, for best results.
Among other products that bio-degrade, sawdust is a standout. Use it like sand or clay -- in thick layers -- to build a shaped layer beneath your pool liner. A potential drawback with sawdust that is that it sometimes contains large shavings, bark and splinters. These sharp pieces are exactly what your pool does not need, and must be removed. Screening sawdust through successively smaller mesh, from 1 inch down to 1/4 inch will take care of the problem. Sawdust will compact quite a bit, so use a somewhat thicker layer than for sand.
The Last Straw
If you have barn animals or mulch your garden with straw, chances are you'll have a few old bales of this useful stuff lying around. Merely cut the strings and place flakes or spread loose straw thickly over the excavated pool area. Top with an old blanket or newspapers to give a more uniform surface, and arrange your pool liner in place.
Thrifty Padding

Never underestimate the usefulness of old t-shirts, towels and sweatpants. Old clothing you would probably have tossed in the trash or torn up for rags, makes ideal soft padding beneath pools. Be sure to remove buttons, hooks, zippers and any other hard or sharp parts first, then overlap them in layers as you would newspapers and cardboard. Old carpeting is another good choice.
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- Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images