Butt Slider Sims 4
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From the rear the up-down slider changes the width of the top part of the butt, and the left-right slider changes the width of the bottom part. The height and standard size adjustments are available from the side view. Use only one! Made with TS4 MorphMaker. Additional Credits: The EA forums for providing the information needed to make this. Mar 12, 2019 My favorite Sims 4 Sliders and Presets. Sliders and presets are game changers when it comes to creating a unique sim. You can change almost anything with these mods e.g sim height, hand sizes, butt sizes, the shape of your sims ears, lips, jaw etc. So, here’s a list of all the sliders and presets I like using on my sims.
- edited February 20130
- edited February 2013I don't see an idea attached to this, only a title.
- edited February 2013
that is the idea simple: butt sliders and piercings,I'll add details later just for youI don't see an idea attached to this, only a title. - edited February 20130
- edited February 2013not trying to stomp on your petition. But if you aren't against CC there are different jewelry styles as well as nose and belly piercings you can download. Just thought I'd let you know !
- edited February 2013Oh lawd. I see it coming. Perfect 'Baby got back' Sim videos with the huge butt, and in the description, the poster thanking EA for adding Butt Sliders. LOL
- edited February 2013Evil_One has a really nice petition for more sliders. It's pretty amazing the great detail she? put into it.
I'm all for advanced sim customization..I mean it is another one of my favorite aspects of TS games.
http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/50930.page0 - edited February 2013I believe you mean petition. A pension is something else entirely.
Anyway, I'll sign.'It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.' --Oscar Wilde - edited February 2013I know they are other threads but I was doing this through my phone so I didn't get into detail as it was rushed but I think everyone gets the idea.And yes I'm against mods so.
- edited February 2013Evil_One has a really nice petition for more sliders. It's pretty amazing the great detail she? put into it.
I'm all for advanced sim customization..I mean it is another one of my favorite aspects of TS games.
I saw and it's detailed,but I don't want all those slider for TS3 because I want TS4 to be better so yes all that will be great for the sim 4, but I just want one or two for TS3,plus from a business point of view it'll be better if they whole that of til TS4,while I just think a simple butt slider for now will be good,If you understand what I'm saying.
Plus I added piercings - edited February 2013Evil_One has a really nice petition for more sliders. It's pretty amazing the great detail she? put into it.
I'm all for advanced sim customization..I mean it is another one of my favorite aspects of TS games.
I saw and it's detailed,but I don't want all those slider for TS3 because I want TS4 to be better so yes all that will be great for the sim 4, but I just want one or two for TS3,plus from a business point of view it'll be better if they whole that of til TS4,while I just think a simple butt slider for now will be good,If you understand what I'm saying.
Plus I added piercings
I see.
I do hope they add piercings at some point. I guess I wouldn't mind a derriere slider but..to me if there is not any other sliders to compliment that such as a waist/hips slider, then I feel it would be kind of out of place on its own. Besides waist/hips/derriere would go nicely with the breast slider as well.
The breast slider I think it's a great direction to continue in for sim customization but honestly I feel like they are missing some sliders to further compliment the ones already implemented such as the waist, hips and derriere. Just those 3 additional sliders for TS3 would be fine for me. Everything else including those can be applied to TS4 as they see fit.
But that's just my opinion.0 - edited February 2013
I understand completely as I feel those would be awesome,and I was going to ask for it.I just didn't want to ask for to much at a time,I see.
I do hope they add piercings at some point. I guess I wouldn't mind a derriere slider but..to me if there is not any other sliders to compliment that such as a waist/hips slider, then I feel it would be kind of out of place on its own. Besides waist/hips/derriere would go nicely with the breast slider as well.
The breast slider I think it's a great direction to continue in for sim customization but honestly I feel like they are missing some sliders to further compliment the ones already implemented such as the waist, hips and derriere. Just those 3 additional sliders for TS3 would be fine for me. Everything else including those can be applied to TS4 as they see fit.
But that's just my opinion. - edited February 20130
- edited February 2013Sign me up. Sometimes people are not big all over but have a big butt. I'd like to have that in the game too!It's kind of sad that I have to point out that anything I say is only just my opinion and may be a different one from someone else.
- edited February 20130
- edited February 2013I'd be totally down with that! We need a lot more piercings, not just like simple ones either such as the nose lip whatever. There needs to be like multiples on the ears and bridge of the nose and stuff like that. Also we should try to have more options for the breast slider cause in my opinion it looks pretty unrealistic. Signed! :P
- edited February 20130
- edited February 2013'The truth hurts, but lies kill'
- edited March 2013sign me up too! i simply found it ******** when i first played late night, the big breasted bartender with a flat butt made me almost laugh myself out of my chair, and honestly if they did it to keep there teen rating or w.e, simply saying anygame that has so many places to woohoo are lucky to even be teen and with that said give us a **** butt slider!..please?
- edited March 2013Of course I sign. Can not ever have enough sim customization to me. The more options, the more creative and variety of unique sims.0
- edited March 2013
- edited March 2013